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Services for Homeless Counseling – Wyoming

There are numerous non-profit organizations that will charge consumers a minimal fee for the services they offer. HUD sponsors housing counseling agencies throughout the country […]

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Credit Counseling Courses and Financial Management Courses: Western District of North Carolina

Debt-Credit Consolidation October 25, 2024

bacus Credit Counseling
15760 Ventura Blvd., Suite 700
Encino, CA 91436

Tel: 800-516-3834
Fax: 888-561-0825
Website: www.abacuscc.org

* Non-Profit Budget and Credit Counseling Agency

Allen Credit and Debt Counseling Agency
195 Brook St. East
Wessington, SD 57381

Toll Free: 888-415-8173

Website: www.acdcas.com

* Credit Counseling and Financial Management Courses

Alliance Credit Counseling, Inc.
13777 Ballantyne Corporate Plaza, Suite 100
Charlotte, NC 28277

Toll Free: 888-594-9594

Website: www.knowdebt.org

* Credit Counseling and Financial Management Courses

Approved Bankruptcy Certification Services
101 N. Lynnhaven Road, Suite 303
Virginia Beach, VA 23452

Toll Free: 800-531-5124

Website: www.bankruptcyinfo.org

* Credit Counseling Courses

American Consumer Credit Counseling, Inc.
130 Rumford Avenue
Suite 202
Newton, MA 02466

Phone: 800-769-3571

Website: www.consumercredit.org

* Credit Counseling & Financial Management Courses

Arbor Investments
1850 South 72nd Street
Omaha, NE 68124

Phone: 402-393-0119
Fax: 402-393-1579

Website: www.yourbankruptcypartner.com

* Financial Management Courses

Biblical Financial Concepts, Inc. dba Stand Sure Credit Counseling
124 Oak Ridge Drive
P.O. Box 418
Oneonta, AL 3512

Phone: 877-240-1398
Fax: 800-718-4724

Website: www.standsurecc.org

* Nnonprofit Budget and Credit Counseling

CCCS of San Francisco
595 Market Street, 15th Floor
San Francisco, CA. 94105

Toll Free: 800-777-7526
Phone: 415-788-0288
Fax: 415-788-1231

Website: www.cccssf.org

* Credit Counseling and Financial Management Courses

CCCS of WNC dba OnTrack Financial Counseling and Education
50 South French Broad Ave., Suite 227
Asheville, NC 28801

Phone: 828-255-5166

* Credit Counseling and Financial Management Courses

Consumer Financial Education Foundation of America, Inc. aka CFEFA
2 North 20th Street, Suite 1030
Birmingham, AL 3520

Phone: 205-321-2822
Fax: 205-321-2848

website: www.cfefa.org

* Personal Financial Management Instructional Courses

100 Edgewood Ave., Suite 1800
Atlanta, GA 30303

Toll Free: 800-251-2227
Fax: 404-653-8883

Email: info@cccsinc.com

Website: www.credability.org

* Credit Counseling and Financial Management Courses

Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Forsyth County
8064 North Point Blvd., Suite 204
Winston-Salem, NC 27106

Phone: 336-896-1191
Toll Free: 888-474-8015
Fax: 336-896-0481

Website: www.cccsforsyth.org

* Credit Counseling Courses and Financial Management Courses

Consumer Credit Counseling of Catawba Valley
Family Guidance Center, Inc.
17 Hwy 70 SE
Hickory, NC 28602

Phone: 828-322-7161
Fax: 828-322-8958
720 East Union Street
Morganton, NC 28655

Phone: 828-438-3880
Fax: 828-322-8958

* Credit Counseling and Financial Management Courses

Consumer Credit Counseling Service of the Carolina Foothills, Inc.
200 Ohio St.
Spindale, NC 28160

Phone: 828-286-7062
Toll Free: 800-567-7062

Email: cccsofcf@rfci.net

* Credit Counseling Courses

Credit Advisors Foundation
1818 South 72nd Street
Omaha, NE 68124

Phone: 800-625-7725
Fax:     615-550-6267

Website: www.yourbankruptcypartner.com

* Credit Counseling

Dave Ramsey Debtor Education
1749 Mallory Lane
Brentwood, TN 37027

Phone: 800-480-5902

Website: www.daveramsey.com/bankruptcy

* Personal Financial Management Instructional Courses

Debt Education & Certification Foundation
112 Goliad Street, Suite D
Benbrook, TX 76126

Phone: 866-859-7323

Website: www.Debt-Foundation.org

* Credit Counseling and Financial Management Courses

Debt Management Credit Counseling Corp.
700 West Hillsboro Blvd., Bldg 1 Ste 105
Deerfield Beach, FL 33441

Phone: 954-418-1466
Fax:     954-414-9339

Website: www.dmcccorp.org

* Personal Financial Management Courses

Debt Reduction Services, Inc.
6213 North Cloverdale Rd. Suite 100
Boise, ID 83713

Phone: 208-378-0200
Fax: 208-685-1058

Website: www.DebtReductionServices.org

* Financial Management Courses

Debtorwise Foundation, Inc.
14 Austin Park
Pittsford, NY 14534

Phone: 585-385-6699
Fax: 585-385-6227

Website: www.deborwise.org

* Financial Management Instructional Courses

Family Service, Inc. of Gaston County
214 E. Franklin Blvd.
Gastonia, NC 28052

Phone: 704-862-0702
Fax: 704-862-0239

Email: ccgaston@quik.com
201 W. Marion St.
Shelby, NC 28150

Phone: 704-481-9419
Fax: 704-487-1720

Email: mblevins@quik.com

* Credit Counseling and Financial Management Courses

Garden State Consumer Credit Counseling
dba Novadebt
225 Willowbrook Road
Freehold, NJ 07728

Tel:   800-77-BILLS
Fax: 732-409-6284

Website: www.gardenstateccc.org

* Credit Counseling and Personal Financial Management Instructional Course

GreenPath Debt Solutions
38505 Country Club Drive, Suite 210
Farmington Hills, MI 48331

Toll Free: 1-800-630-6718

Website: www.greenpathbk.com

* Credit Counseling & Financial Management Courses

Hummingbird Credit Counseling and Education, Inc.
3737 Glenwood Ave., Suite 100-106
Raleigh, NC 27617

Toll Free: 1-800-645-4959

Website: www.hbcce.org

* Credit Counseling and Financial Management Courses

InCharge Education Foundation, Inc
2101 Park Center Dr., Suite 310
Orlando, FL. 32835

Toll Free: 1-866-729-0049
Phone: 407-291-7770
Fax: 407-532-5750

Website: www.inchargefoundation.org

* Credit Counseling and Financial Management Courses

Institute for Financial Literacy
260 Western Avenue
South Portland, ME 04106

Phone: 207-879-0389

* Credit Counseling and Financial Management Courses

Money Management International (MMI)
9009 West Loop South, 7th Floor
Houston, TX 77096-1719

Phone: 888-845-5669
Fax: 713-394-3106

Website: www.moneymanagement.org

* Credit Counseling and Financial Management Courses

National Personal Finance Education LLP dba 50-30-20 MoneyPlan
7651 W. August Moon Place
Tucson, AZ 85743

Phone: 877-222-4547
Fax: 877-222-4547

Website: www.50-30-20.com

* Financial Management Courses

Pioneer Credit Counseling
1644 Concourse Drive
Rapid City, SD 57703

Phone: 800-888-1596

Website: www.pioneercredit.com

* Credit Counseling and Financial Management Courses

Sage Personal Finance
4043 Contera Road
Encino, CA 91436

Phone: 800-516-2759
Fax: 866-268-7774

Website: www.sagepf.com

* Financial Management Courses

Stand Sure Information Services, Inc.
16 Arnold Park
Rochester, NY 14607

Phone: 1-888-615-2229
Fax: 585-486-1314

* Financial Management Course

Triangle Family Services, Inc.
700 Blue Ridge Rd.
Suite 101
Raleigh, NC 27606

Phone: 919-821-1770
Toll Free: 800-283-6904
3708 Lyckan Parkway, Suite 200
Durham, NC 27707

Phone: 919-821-1770
Toll Free: 800-283-6904
3937 Western Boulevard
Raleigh, NC 27606

Website: www.tfsnc.org

* Credit Counseling & Financial Management Courses

United Family Services Consumer Credit Counseling Services/Housing Services
601 East 5th Street, Suite 400
Charlotte, NC 28202

Phone: 704-332-9034
Fax: 704-373-1604
952 Copperfield Blvd.
Concord, NC 28025

Phone: 704-786-7918
Fax: 704-786-7709
9601 Holly Point Drive, Suite 200
Huntersville, NC 28078-4914

Phone: 704-655-8745
Fax: 704-655-0234
105-A East Jefferson St.
Monroe, NC 28112

Phone: 704-226-1352
Fax: 704-282-9362

Website: www.unitedfamilyservices.org

* Credit Counseling & Financial Management Courses

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