Monthly Income (after deductions) |
Wages or Salary $____________________ |
Allowance $____________________ |
Child Support $____________________ |
Scholarships/grants $____________________ |
Other $____________________ |
TOTAL INCOME $____________________ |
Monthly Fixed Expenses |
Rent or Mortgage $____________________ |
Cable TV $____________________ |
Savings, regular $____________________ |
Emergency fund $____________________ |
(2 to 3 month’s income) |
Retirement Savings $____________________ |
Installment Payments $____________________ |
Other $____________________ |
Monthly Flexible Expenses |
Food $____________________ |
Telephone $____________________ |
Gas $____________________ |
Electricity $____________________ |
Water and Sewer $____________________ |
Clothing $____________________ |
Personal Care $____________________ |
Transportation $____________________ |
Gasoline $____________________ |
Credit Card Payments $____________________ |
Medical and Dental $____________________ |
Entertainment $____________________ |
Child Care $____________________ |
Contributions $____________________ |
Other $____________________ |
Periodic Expenses |
Taxes |
(not deducted from pay) $____________________ |
Insurance |
(car, health, home, life) $____________________ |
School Tuition $____________________ |
Maintenance $____________________ |
Vacation $____________________ |
Memberships $____________________ |
Subscriptions $____________________ |
Gifts $____________________ |
Credit Card Payments $____________________ |
Other $____________________ |
TOTAL EXPENSES $____________________ |
TOTAL INCOME $____________________ |
Subtract TOTAL EXPENSES $____________________ |
BALANCE $____________________ |
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